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A rejected proposal for 2018 Hello Wood festival exploring contemporary "cabin fever" phenomenon.
Thoreau’s cabin at Walden lake is THE cabin. It embodies the idea cabin stands for - a romantic pursuit of true, independent, simple, responsible life. It has been replicated innumerable times, in the process becoming a caricature of itself. Even in Walden the tourists come to see a replica built convenientyl close to the road stop, instead of the real cabin of which only foundations are left in the woods.
The structures replicating Thoreau’s design spread around the world just as cabin porn throughout internet and it has as much in common with "real life" as those insta-filtered images of cabins’ front facades.
Why not build another copy, but this time take it out of the context and make it absurd. Make it smaller and easier to build, while practicing timeless art of wooden joinery. Shrink it by half to make a bed which can be put both inside and outside as a place to sleep and dream a fever-struck delirium of a real cabin. Shrink it by half again to make a doghouse or a chicken coop. Shrink it once more to make a birdhouse at quarter the size of the original.
A good shrink can cure psychosis by going into deeper levels of subconcious to uncover the root of the problem. Maybe meditative construction of each smaller version of the Walden cabin can uncover a next level of understanding into the cabin fever.
